A Multi-objective Model for Multi-skill Project Scheduling Problem considering Perform Efficiency

IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2019)

Chong Zhu    Yuan Xue    Zhijie He    Zhenqiang Bao    Zhaoyue Zhang    Kaixuan Hu   

Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, China   


The growing need of responsiveness for enterprises facing market volatility raises a strong demand for flexibility in their human resource management. This paper presents a multi-objective model for Multi-skill Project Scheduling Problem. We propose a new wage distribution method in which different perform efficiencies of human resources are taken into account. The model aims at minimizing project duration and project costs concurrently. An improved NSGA-II algorithm is designed to solve the model. The algorithm introduces a multi-dimensional chromosome coding scheme to identify the priorities and staff allocation of each activity. Special chromosome crossover and mutation operation are employed to address resource conflicts and constraint violations. Eventually, A case study is presented to verify the efficiency of the proposed approach.

Paper: [PDF]         Code: [GitHub]      



  author={Zhu, Chong and Xue, Yuan and He, Zhijie and Bao, Zhenqiang and Zhang, Zhaoyue and Hu, Kaixuan},
  booktitle={2019 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM)}, 
  title={A Multi-objective Model for Multi-skill Project Scheduling Problem considering Perform Efficiency}, 